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美國ICLT 漢語教師認證(發證單位 - 美國全球漢語教學總會)
全球漢語教學總會ICLT 認可的培訓資格中心
Institute of Chinese Language Teaching INC.
2022年,全球漢語教學總會(IATCSOL)為了提升及推出全新的國際形象,決定進行品牌改革和升級 (Brand Restructure),決定將該英文名稱改為 INSTITUTE OF CHINESE LANGUAGE TEACHINGINC.,英語簡稱為 ICLT,美國德拉瓦協會註冊檔案號:
FileNumber: 7115206 ,Account Number: 299764.
- 國際認證總部:美國
- 亞洲營運中心:馬來西亞
- 大中華區TCSOL國際漢語師資認證課程負責單位:漢華國際中文學院
- 聯絡電話台北:+886-2-2351-9368 | 台中:+886-4-2471-5466 | 高雄:+886-7-285-9279
- E-mail:ihi.tcsol@gmail.com
The International Association for Teachers of Chineseto Speakers of Other Languages (IATCSOL) is an international academic
organization dedicated to promoting Chinese language teaching and teacher training. It was founded in 2005 and headquartered in Delaware, USA, the Asian management center in Malaysia. The development of teaching and educationresearch has been authorized to International Han Institute in Taiwan, which has a large team of elite teachers. The Global Chinese Language Teaching Association is one of the earliest Chinese teacher associations in the world, aiming to build a learning and communication platform for international Chinese teachers all over the world, and to provide authoritative certification guarantee for international Chinese teachers to go to the world.
IATCSOL iscommitted to promoting the study of Chinese language and culture as a means of fostering cross-cultural understanding and communication. The organization works closely with other international language teaching associations to promote multilingualism and cultural exchange. As an international professional organization, IATCSOL’s mission is to promote the quality of global Chinese education by providing resources, support, and professional development opportunities for educators and researchers in the field of Chinese language teaching.
Over theyears, IATCSOL has trained countless international Chinese teachers worldwide, providing them with a wide range of teaching resources and support. In addition, the organization has carried out multiple research projects to promote the innovation and development of Chinese language teaching and learning.
In 2022,IATCSOL decided to conduct a brand restructuring and upgrade, changing its English name to the Institute of Chinese Language Teaching Inc. (ICLT) and its registered file number in the Delaware is File Number: 7115206 and account number: 299764, in order to enhance and launch its new international image.
- 通過教師口試、筆試、試教國際認證測驗。
漢華台北:+886-2-2351-9368 台北市大安區和平東路一段117號B1
漢華台中:+886-4-2471-5466 台中市南屯區文心路一段218號18樓3-B室
漢華高雄:+886-7-285-9279 高雄市苓雅區中山二路412號5樓之一
漢華電話:07010186066 | +886-2-23519887
星期一~星期五 9:00~22:00
星期六 9:00~17:00
星期日 9:00~17:00
E-mail:ihi.tcsol@gmail.com | 補習班立案證號 6066
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