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英國 TCSOL 漢語教師認證(發證單位 - 英國TQUK)
Diploma in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages
TQUK- Approved Centre Training Qualifications UK
2018年榮獲 TQUK 評選最佳合作機構 / 2022年榮獲 TQUK 評選最佳教學創意機構 / 2024年榮獲 TQUK 評選最佳合作機構
TQUK資歷資格由Ofqual授予,直屬於英國政府資歷及考試評審局(Ofqual)監管,受英國議會監察(註冊編號:RN5355)。其專業資歷已獲得Ofqual、英國政府兒童、教育、持續進修和技能部(Department for Children,Education,Lifelong Learning and Skills)、威爾士政府(Welsh Government)及蘇格蘭資歷管理局(Scottish QualificationsAuthority, SQA)認可。
TQUK獲“全英國頒證機構聯會(Federation of AwardingBodies, FAB)” 入圍候選 “2017年度英國最佳頒證機構(Awarding Organisation of the Year)”,這個榮耀更加證明TQUK的影響力越來越大,這一張證書會是您進入英國、歐盟等國,漢語教學市場的好夥伴。
- 國際認證總部:英國
- 亞洲營運中心:香港
- 英國政府資歷及考試評審局(Ofqual)監管之英國TQUK授證單位官網:https://www.tquk.org/
- 大中華區TCSOL國際漢語師資認證課程負責單位:漢華國際中文學院
- 聯絡電話台北:+886-2-2351-9368 | 台中:+886-4-2471-5466 | 高雄:+886-7-285-9279
- E-mail:ihi.tcsol@gmail.com
The qualifications awarded by TQUK are regulated by Ofqual, the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation, which is directly supervised by the UK Government and monitored by the UK Parliament (Registration number: RN5355). These professional qualifications are recognized by Ofqual, the Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills of the UK Government, the Welsh Government, and the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).
Holders of TQUK certificates are highly regarded by the Commonwealth of Nations and over 160 countries worldwide, as well as by the world's top 500 companies. The international recognition and reputation of these certificates are unparalleled, making them highly valuable. Headquartered in Manchester, UK, TQUK's collaboration centers, universities, professional societies, and training institutions span more than 50 countries globally, issuing over 100,000 certificates annually.
Each TQUK-issued certificate has a unique serial number, which you can use to verify your name on the TQUK website. You can also find courses from the International Han Institute on the TQUK website. As a certification body authorized by the UK Government’s Ofqual, TQUK is very stringent in recognizing the abilities of its centers and learners. Obtaining a TQUK-recognized certificate issued in the UK is a guarantee of self-improvement and confidence for employers.
TQUK was shortlisted for the "Awarding Organisation of the Year" in the 2017 Federation of Awarding Bodies (FAB) Awards, further proving the growing influence of TQUK. This certificate will be a valuable partner for you in entering the Chinese teaching market in the UK, EU, and other countries.
The International Han Institute received the TQUK Education Innovation Award in 2018 and 2022, making it the only recognized authority in Chinese language teaching. The certificates they hold represent knowledge, skills, course planning, and textbook compilation capabilities in teaching Chinese.
- International Certification Headquarters: United Kingdom
- Asia Operations Center: Hong Kong
- Official Website of TQUK Certification Body regulated by the UK Government's Ofqual: https://www.tquk.org/
- Greater China Region TCSOL International Chinese Teacher Certification Course Responsible Unit: International Han Institute
- Contact Phone Numbers
- Taipei: +886-2-2351-9368
- Taichung: +886-4-2471-5466
- Kaohsiung: +886-7-285-9279
- E-mail: ihi.tcsol@gmail.com
- 通過教師口試、筆試、試教國際認證測驗。
漢華台北:+886-2-2351-9368 台北市大安區和平東路一段117號B1
漢華台中:+886-4-2471-5466 台中市南屯區文心路一段218號18樓3-B室
漢華高雄:+886-7-285-9279 高雄市苓雅區中山二路412號5樓之一
漢華電話:07010186066 | +886-2-23519887
星期一~星期五 9:00~22:00
星期六 9:00~17:00
星期日 9:00~17:00
E-mail:ihi.tcsol@gmail.com | 補習班立案證號 6066
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